Referring to Trump’s hiring difficulties, Seth Meyers quipped “It’s like asking someone to join the crew of the Titanic right after it has been hit…
Trump is enraged at leakers who disclose secret phone calls to his BFF Putin, and then leak that he’s angry!
Republicans claim that firing Mueller would be ‘the stupidest thing Trump could do’ – as if that is a deterrent, and not business as usual.
The ten top Republican ideals they are most proud of themselves with
Trump, who gives people dumb, childish names, and frolics with porn stars, is amazed at his own brilliance in creating the Space Force to Mars.…
Seth Meyers says ‘a couple things’ about Trump’s cowardly firing of Rex Tillerson, who didn’t know he was unemployed until he read about it in…
Seth Seth likened Trump to a friend who comes to a birthday party, shows up late, doesn’t bring a gift, and sings ‘Stairway to Heaven’…
“Our father has a little nickname for you members of the elitist liberal media. God damn Jews!”
“You’re commie scum. We’re going to burn down your book store. You know that, right?”
Seth Meyer’s Thursday monologue touches on Trump’s Hanukkah reception, and Seth suggests that Trump should let us fire him for sexual harassment, it’s working out…
Corey Lewandowski brags that this is His Donald’s typical meal: Two big macs, two chicken sandwiches and a pint of chocolate ice cream. To Corey Lewandowski…
Seth Meyers checks in on Rick Perry whose campaign rival Donald Trump selected him to head the Department of Energy. Perry thought he would function…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Donald Trump, the self described ‘law and order president’ who’s backing Roy Moore, the accused child rapist, and…
Seth takes a closer look at how one of President Trump’s closest associates pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI and how Republicans…
New Poll: Majority of Alabama Republicans Think Roy Moore Allegations Are False Each one of those white Christian Alabama voters should be required to tell…