Republican Gena Sosa asks what high school male has never held down a 15 year old, put his hand over her mouth to stop the…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Republicans, who are now scrambling to appoint Trump’s Supreme Court pick despite anonymous warnings and blatantly obvious signs…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at Republicans, rushing to confirm Trump’s pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh for a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, while…
On the heels of the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, by a moronic Putin puppet, Jim Jefferies questions the wisdom of appointing…
A wonder anyone got out alive. They swarmed steps, they had signs, some chanted something or other, I saw one guy with a blowhorn! Madness,…
Or perhaps a dark horse? Jeanine Piro from Fox News to compliment the Fox News President Bill Shine as Trump’a new communications director. What with…
“Let me say there has never been a president, with a few exceptions, that has done more than we have done.” President Donald Trump. There…
The Garland Republican hypocrisy is perhaps as bad as hypocrisy gets. Gorsuch is another Scalia, Thomas and Alito for sure. Original intent of how people…
John Oliver has a few words to say about the Supreme Court;”America’s most respected assisted living community.” Franky, Republicans stole Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat from…
What’s funny about that headline is when Republicans heard that, they got so excited some peed their pants, some fainted and some ran outside to…
“Justice Ginsburg of the U S Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me, her mind is shot – resign”…
If the now eight justices have in just two days supported abortion, gun control, affirmative action and birth control when one or two more liberals…
Boy oh boy, what a day at the Supreme Court, with just 8 justices and without the coming liberal or two joining, they went Pro…
When I heard this news on the radio this morning with a reading of Chief Justice Roberts’ decision over a 1987 case where prosecutors in Georgia…
First things first, those who are against both birth control and abortion are both stupid and crazy, with that out of the way could this…